What can a College Degree do for You?
Higher income. More job opportunities.
A career path.
A college degree is the way.

Bachelor's degree holders earn TWICE as much high school graduates.
Access 4x more job opportunities with a bachelor's degree vs a high school diploma alone.
Bachelor's degree holders can always earn a sustainable income.

The #1 Question: How are you going to pay for it???

FREE money – Financial Aid Grants from the government
#1 Federal Financial Aid (Pell Grant) - Receive up to $7,395 for tuition!
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Youth with a history in foster care are considered independent students and eligible for the maximum Pell grant of $5,750. Complete the FAFSA application for this grant. FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Be sure to answer ‘yes’ to questions about being in foster care. To get started, see https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
#2 Pennsylvania State Grant — Receive up to $5,750 to pay tuition!
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The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) manages the state based financial aid program. Grant amounts depend on income with a maximum of $5,750 for the 2023-4 academic year. Apply for the state grant after completing the FAFSA at https://www.pheaa.org/grants/state-grant-program/.
#3 Chafee grant — Receive up to $5,000 for tuition and education expenses!
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Youth who were in foster care at age 16 and under age 26 (including aged out youth) are eligible for up to $5,000 from the Chafee Grant (federal funds). A separate, one page application is required. Complete the Chafee grant application and send to the college you plan to attend. The application is also used to determine eligibility for the PA Tuition Waiver (state program). The tuition waiver (called Fostering Independence) requires all Pennsylvania based colleges to accept grant and scholarship funds awarded as full payment for tuition. This means NO student loans needed to pay for tuition! Learn more and complete the Chafee application at https://www.pheaa.org/funding-opportunities/other-educational-aid/chafee-program.shtml.
#3 PA Tuition Waiver — All tuition is waived after grants applied!
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Youth who were in foster care at age 16 and under age 26 (including aged out youth) are eligible for up to $5,000 from the Chafee Grant (federal funds). A separate, one page application is required. Complete the Chafee grant application and send to the college you plan to attend. The application is also used to determine eligibility for the PA Tuition Waiver (state program). The tuition waiver (called Fostering Independence) requires all Pennsylvania based colleges to accept grant and scholarship funds awarded as full payment for tuition. This means NO student loans needed to pay for tuition! Learn more and complete the Chafee application at https://www.pheaa.org/funding-opportunities/other-educational-aid/chafee-program.shtml.
#4 Scholarships
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Find more free money! Every year, many scholarships go unclaimed across the country. The $ is worth the search! Here are some lists to get you started: Phillygoes2College, BigFuture, Field Center, Peterson’s.
#5 Student Loans
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Student loans are not all bad! They have LOW interest rates, are not payable until after leaving college, and can be paid at an affordable monthly amount. College degree holders earn higher income making repayments easier. Students can use small student loans to help pay for living expenses while in school.
How do I start?
What careers are you interested in?
Explore careers and necessary training here.
Search for colleges with programs in your career interest(s) area(s) and classes that fit your life.
Classroom based or online? A hybrid (mix)? Day or evening? Live on or off campus? Colleges near Philadelphia.
Complete financial aid forms.
Federal – FAFSA. State – PHEAA. Chafee – for Chafee and PA tuition waiver.
Apply to colleges.
Use the PA Common application to apply to several colleges with one essay! Send original high school transcript to colleges.

College is for YOU.
And we can help you — every step of the way.

For more information and guidance to get started – contact us!
cclyde@i-leadusa.org (267) 297-1245
You are smart. You are worth it. You can do this.

Helping you take the complicated out of college