Virtual College Coaching Center
Connect with a coach who will help you begin your journey

Our Coaches Will Provide the Vital Support You Need
College coaches aren’t just for football players! Our experienced coaches and community partners will help you:
- Set educational and life goals and reach them
- Figure out how to overcome challenges
- Understand and apply for the grants, scholarships and financial aid that you are entitled to
- Find your passion and pursue it
- Understand your strengths and career interests
- Find the right college program
- Understand how a college education will increase your paycheck and lead to job promotions
- Understand how a college education will improve your network
As a nonprofit, the ACE program does not charge you for these services!

Start your journey. Schedule an appointment now.

Community Partners
The ACE Community Partners network includes 13 trusted community-engaged organizations. They are integral to the success of the ACE program. Each Community Partner employs an ACE site coordinator who is responsible for recruiting students and provides support to students from the initial application process to graduation.
Chester Education Foundation 419 Avenue of the States, Chester, PA 19013 Contact: Nolan Fontaine 484-485-0886
Congreso Deliverance Evangelistic Church
Delta Family Services 2210 Mt. Carmel Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 215-887-6300 x174 Contact: LaVern Ogden
Greater Philadelphia Community Alliance Grace Trinity Development Corporation
I-LEAD, Inc. – Reading 540 Upland Avenue Reading, PA 19611-1962 Contact: Hector O. Torres O: 484-509-0686 C: 484-529-3293
Life Transforming Ministries (Coatesville) Little People’s Village II |
Southwest Leadership Academy 7101 Paschall Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19142 Contact: Leigh Purnell 215-729-1939 Paulette Blackson-Royster
Woods Services |
Helping you take the complicated out of college
Head Office
1122 County Line Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Call Us
(484) 602-2150